What It Take to Go Beyond Change Management Webinar

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Linda Ackerman Anderson

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Learn how to expand the positioning and brand of change management in significant ways.

Change management practitioners frequently feel they are not positioned to provide strategic guidance to how their change projects are launched, led and planned.

When we see how often projects run into the same issues of poor governance, limited scope, solutions that do not account for the needs of stakeholders and poor adoption, it is no wonder that we practitioners feel we can make a greater—and earlier—contribution.

There is a broader role we can play, being asked onto project teams prior to launch and able to shape a strategy and project plan that accounts for people’s needs from the beginning. We can support the success of projects by helping to shape governance, an accurate scope, the integrated design of solutions that stakeholders will adopt and support, and ensure that cultural imperatives are addressed from the get-go.

This webinar delves into the skills and knowledge of the strategic change consulting role, which can expand the positioning and brand of change management in significant ways.

Once you see where you can add additional value, without rocking the boat, you can do just that, beyond the confines of traditional change management.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to develop the skills and approaches of being a more strategic advisor to change projects
  • Recognize the repeating negative patterns when projects miss out on good change leadership practices at launch
  • Understand your current state limitations to make your full contribution
  • Learn about the responsibilities of the strategic change consultant and how to add them to your role



Dr. Linda Ackerman Anderson