CEOs and Senior Executives
Your unique capability in Leadership, Executive Team Development and Cultural Transformation has been instrumental in the significant progress we have made. Many thanks for your sound counsel. I look forward to further collaboration.
Having applied this methodology for two years to manage change inside Microsoft, it has been instrumental in our ability to land change effectively, engage employees and deliver results quickly.
Change is constant in healthcare. This work has been enormously helpful to us in organizing our successful transformational change agenda.
The Change Leader’s Roadmap is at the same time the most comprehensive set of strategies and tools I have come across globally and the most practical in its guidance towards the ones that will work best in each individual situation.
There is nobody more qualified to teach organizational transformation to beginners as well as seasoned professionals.
Change Leaders
Conscious leadership is exactly what is required to move any change effort forward. The Anderson’s integrate awareness and human potential providing remarkable insight into leading effective and transformational change.
Linda and Dean are in a unique position to offer such comprehensive thinking, models and tools for change, since they have devoted over three decades working directly with senior leaders and strategic consultants in numerous transformations across a wide variety of organizations. By doing the work, studying the theory and reflecting on outcomes, they have captured both the basics and the nuances of change and integrated them into understandable models, processes and tools.
The Andersons capture the science and the art of orchestrating organizational change by providing both practical and insightful strategies and tools for leaders who must use strategic change as a thoughtful competitive advantage.
I kept being surprised by the Anderson’s clean approach. This is a must for anyone responsible for or involved in complex, large scale change efforts. And who isn’t these days?
Authors & Industry Experts
Powerful business solutions to the current chaos facing many organizations today. Dean Anderson and Linda Ackerman Anderson get to the heart of change, the human touch, by using timeless techniques and tools.
This is without question the most comprehensive approach for leaders who are serious about making change a strategic discipline.
Rather than rely on tried-and true methods that worked in the past, Dean and Linda challenge leaders to shed outdated thinking and make new choices about how they lead change. They help leaders wake up to their unconscious beliefs that lead to ineffective actions, systems, and work cultures.