Meet Our Team
Dr. Dean Anderson
CEO and Co-Founder of Being First, Inc.
With over thirty years of experience as a consultant, speaker, writer, and no-nonsense trainer, Dr. Anderson coaches his clients to design and implement transformational change that delivers breakthrough results, increases organizational change capacity, and establishes a high performing, co-creative culture that unleashes human potential. Dean’s comprehensive understanding of human motivation and performance, vertical leadership development, and the process of transforming mindset, behavior and culture gives him a unique perspective that has established him as a thought-leader in the field of Organization Transformation.
Dr. Linda Ackerman Anderson
Vice President and Co-Founder of Being First, Inc.
Dr. Ackerman Anderson brings more than thirty-five years of experience to her work in leading Conscious Transformation, assisting senior leaders and consultants to develop change strategies that produce extraordinary business outcomes, transform organizational mindset and culture, and personally model the changes they seek to create. Industry experts regard Linda as a founding leader of Organization Transformation and a godparent to the Organizational Development community.
Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson is a Senior Executive with Being First and has been an Executive Coach, Facilitator and Consultant since 1991. He is an experienced and effective speaker, facilitator and workshop leader with an extensive background in human dynamics, economics and national politics. His effectiveness is fueled by his articulate insight and his passion for evolution and positive change.
Michael McElhenie
Michael is a Senior Consultant for Being First and has over 20 years of experience as a consultant, executive coach and advisor to global leaders. He understands the complexity of the multi-national business context and his mastery at using an approach that integrates key facets of human development (intellectual, interpersonal, emotional, ethical, physical and spiritual) has made him extraordinarily effective in developing leaders.
Tom Lutes
Tom Lutes has been a consultant, program leader and coach for 32 years. He has worked intimately with individuals and groups from diverse populations, from the most at-risk inner-city youth to the most successful senior executives in large corporations, from union workers to entrepreneurs.