Change Leader’s Roadmap (CLR) Methodology

 The World’s Most Comprehensive Change Process Methodology.

The Change Leader’s Roadmap (CLR) is a change process methodology, providing strategic guidance and change tools to leaders and consultants designing and implementing change of any size or type. Using the CLR is like having a navigation system that helps you find your way through the human and process complexities of organization transformation. You can apply the CLRM to technology implementations (SAP, CRM, ERP, etc.), re-structuring, innovation, culture change, mergers and acquisitions, organizational re-design, process re-engineering, and any other change you can imagine.

The Change Leader's Roadmap Methodology
Free eBook: How to Navigate the Complexities of Your Organization's Transformation
GET TRAINED IN  The Change Leader's Roadmap Methodlogy

The CLRM does not tell you what to change; it provides guidance and tools for how to change, and how to engage stakeholders throughout the change effort to ensure commitment and buy-in. It supports you toconsciously design your change process so it integrates all the “content” work (e.g., desired outcomes, design requirements, design, impact analysis, implementation planning, etc.) with the “people” work (e.g., mindset, behavior and culture change, communications, engagement, politics, etc.). This enables you to consistently design change initiatives so that:

What is change leadership training?

  • The optimal solution gets created
  • Stakeholders are engaged early so they commit rather than resist the change
  • Implementation runs smoothly, including any needed course corrections
  • Required shifts in mindset, behavior and culture occur as part of the change
  • The design solution is adopted and sustained by all stakeholder groups
  • Intended ROI is achieved, on time and on budget
  • Change capability is developed as part of the process

Using the CLR is radically different from using change management frameworks, which provide little or no strategic guidance about the overall design of your change initiatives. Using the CLR is paradigm shifting, and literally up-levels your change leader’s game. Using this resource, they immediately become able to design change like an expert.

– FREE RESOURCE – Achieving Organizational Change Within Your Company: How to Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

The CLR has been developed over thirty-five years of application in large organizations across all types of industries, government, military, and global nonprofits. It provides the most comprehensive array of change tools for transformation on the market—so your change leaders not only know what to do and in what sequence, but how to do it.

For more information about The Change Leader’s Roadmap Methodology, call us at 970.385.5100.

Or, you can read the best-selling book, The Change Leader’s Roadmap: How to Navigate Your Organization’s Transformation, written by our co-founders, Linda Ackerman Anderson and Dean Anderson.

Or, you can watch Linda in this video provide a detailed overview of the Methodology for one of our clients.

The Online CLR Methodology

The Change Leader’s Roadmap Methodology (CLRM) is the online resource that enables leaders and consultants to apply the CLR directly to projects. It breaks down the nine phases into activities and tasks for ease of navigation. Each task is supported by numerous resources—over 2000 pages of change tools, checklists, info sheets, assessments, work steps, process questions, potential problems, and articles.

Two ways to get trained

Due to the advanced nature of the CLRM, we require users to be trained to gain full online access. Certification is granted upon completion of one or the other of these two programs:

Two ways to access The Change Leader’s Roadmap Methodology

Trained users of the CLRM gain access either through their organization’s license, or by individual subscription.

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Give us a call if you’d like to explore how to acquire an organizational license or individual subscription to The Change Leader’s Roadmap Methodology.