The Upstream Stage of Leading Organizational Change: Project Launch Webinar

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Linda Ackerman Anderson

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How often do your projects get launched without clear roles, decision authorities, direction, or outcomes?

Learn a standard of excellence for the Upstream Stage of organizational change that launches projects with the key deliverables essential to their success.

The Upstream Stage of a change initiative—its launch—has several critical decisionsLaunch over clouds-799240-edited that require sponsors and change leaders to focus, input to, and determine before they can rightfully delegate the initiative to a project team, staff it adequately and enable it to have clear guidance and direction.

This work cannot be left to the project team, as they typically do not have the information or influence to determine these key decisions. While they can guess at Scope, Schedule, Budget, there is more to standing up a project than these guardrails.

The Upstream Stage is work for the senior leaders. Consider how much attention you currently give to determining the Case for Change, compelling desired outcomes, Change Strategy, scope, governance roles and structure, adequate project staffing, decision authorities, and determination of design requirements and boundary conditions that will shape the best solution. These are critical to being able to communicate and stand up an initiative with a sound foundation.

As leaders, we can orchestrate these decisions. As change consultants, we need to facilitate leaders to make these decisions.

Learn about the power and necessity of the Upstream Stage of change and how you can best support it to be handled intelligently and thoroughly.

Key Takeaways:

  • Explore your current patterns for launching major change initiatives and how well they set up the project for success
  • Learn about the key decisions that leaders need to make to fulfill the requirements (and necessity) of the Upstream Stage of change
  • Clarify new strategies to support sponsors and project leaders to understand and fulfill the deliverables of the Upstream Stage so they can set up their initiatives for success right from launch