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The Win-Win-Win Co-Creative Model

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When individuals or groups commit first and foremost to the needs of the whole project, they become teammates pursuing common goals. This mindset of going for the Big Win changes the whole game. We call this new way, “Co-Creating.”

Sample Conditions for Success Info Sheet

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Conditions for success are requirements essential to the achievement of your desired outcome, such as adequate resources, sufficient time to do a top-notch job, or quality communications that keep everyone engaged. Conditions for success may also refer to a particular state of being that enables the transformation to occur more smoothly, such as the leaders taking a conscious approach, the executives presenting a unified front in support of the transformation, and people realizing that their needs are actually being considered as the transformation is planned and implemented.

Topics to Assess Your Change Process Info Sheet

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Given the assumption that change is continuous, and your intention is to strengthen your organization's ongoing capacity to lead large-scale change, this Info Sheet lists the different factors to consider in order for you to learn from your change process and establish best practices.

Factors Affecting Readiness and Capacity to Change Info Sheet

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Your chances of succeeding in your current organizational change efforts are directly affected by your people's level of readiness and capacity to change. This Info Sheet provides a comprehensive list of dynamics that influence both readiness and capacity. Many leaders never address these topics in preparation for a major change effort. Some resist delving into such matters. However, inquiring into these subjects will likely surface information that, although it may be uncomfortable for the leaders to acknowledge, is key to aligning their change strategy with the true condition of the organization. At the very least, raising these topics will start many conversations among leaders and employees that would never otherwise have occurred, all in the name of building awareness for leading conscious transformation.

Strategies for Securing Commitment Info Sheet

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Obtaining commitment from your leaders and employees is absolutely essential to the success of your change effort. A key to achieving commitment is understanding its different levels, and how to nurture people from one level to the next.

The diagram on this Info Sheet represents the six very distinct and different levels of commitment that exist in people.

Levels of Commitment Info Sheet

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Obtaining commitment from your leaders and employees is absolutely essential to the success of your change effort. A key to achieving commitment is understanding its different levels, and how to nurture people from one level to the next.

The diagram on this Info Sheet represents the six very distinct and different levels of commitment that exist in people.

Stakeholder Engagement: Opportunities, Types, and Vehicles Info Sheet

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Creating an effective stakeholder engagement strategy is an extremely important aspect of your overall change strategy. This Info Sheet will help you think through the key aspects of stakeholder engagement in preparation for designing your engagement strategy.

Change Governance Structures Info Sheet

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The roles you define and the teams you form are best managed by creating a governance structure. The structure you create will also articulate the working relationships among all of the parties, and clarify the flow of information and authority. Your structure runs in parallel with your normal business governance structure; it does not replace it.

Multiple Project Integration Strategy Info Sheet

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Your Multiple Project Integration Strategy can increase speed, action, and resource sharing across all distinct and concurrent change efforts, and reduce the cost of change to your organization. This approach minimizes chaos, redundancy of effort, competition for time and resources, and negative political dynamics.

Case for Change Framework Infographic

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To ensure a successful organizational transformation one of the first steps to take is to create a clear case for change. Without one, the transformation will lack relevance for employees and cause resistance, confusion, and insecurity. Creating the case for change and your initial objectives creates a common view about the change and gives the effort meaning, direction, and energy.

This infographic shows the framework required to create a successful Case for Change.